Week 9 & 10 – Rose

The past few weeks have been a bit hectic with our group, due to busy uni & work schedules and sickness. Yet we haven’t let that us stop us and have been continually updating our project, and it’s really great to see it coming together.

Harry sent me some wonderful information about street musicians (aka buskers) that was really informative and I actually learned a few things I didn’t know before! I uploaded that to the site immediately.

Annie provided some video footage of the Dan Webb interview which looks really good. I especially love how we have taken some of the interview where Dan talks about his accomplishments and other personal tidbits into his profile page. I figured it’d be more interesting having our viewers watch our participants talking about their careers, rather than reading about it.

Over the weekend, Melbourne lucked out and we scored a ridiculously sunny day. I happened to be in the cbd that afternoon and boy was I glad I was as I was able to listen to some great acts on Bourke Street Mall. One of them was the band The Pierce Brothers, a fantastic duo who really generated a crowd.

(video courtesy of The Pierce Brother’s YouTube channel)

Grateful for obtaining some excellent video footage for our instagram account (link on sidebar), I picked up a copy of their cd (which is really good!!) and gave them a donation. I would’ve liked to give more, but I just couldn’t.

I’m really proud of the work my group has done so far.

Week 8 – Harry

Last week the group was busy continuing the compilation of content for the documentary as well as the website. Rosie just about finished the site but required content to fill it. I sent her a bit of information about busking in Melbourne from recent research to put in as some text content; however I’ll look to send her some more in the coming days. I also took a few photos of buskers in the city to put either on the site, or as a montage in the documentary or both.
Annie and Rosie have been working hard to complete the larger aspects of the project so far so I’ll need to get as much content as possible in the next 1-4 weeks to catch up.

Week 8 – Anna

This week was our consultations with our tutors. The feedback was helpful in that, now we know we’re on the right track. We’ve also made some more decisions about our presentation on the website – i.e. using flickr for our photos instead of just on the website. It was agreed it presents them in a more professional and attractive way. Not only are we gonna have our behind the scenes and extra photographs from our interviews etc, but also some photographs of musician buskers if we see them about during our day to day activities. We would most likely point out where these buskers were at the time, to maybe try and figure out where they prefer to be.

We’re currently waiting on David Lambie (our busker) to respond to the questions given to him via text. He’s updated us that he’s about half way through. We still need to decide upon questions to ask Marcus Hernan (lecturer at JMC) who will answer them via audio recording. We also need to arrange a time to interviews some members of Trash Palace (there has been a decision made that getting all of them together at one time is difficult, as the drummer lives quite far away from them all and works a lot). It might be there, they we only interview the singer, guitarist and bassist.